when you ruminate, that means you are reflecting or contemplating ... in other words you are thinking something over and over in your head ...
but did you ever wonder where that word comes from ...
Cattle belong to a class of animals known as ruminants. Ruminants are cloven hooved animals that have four compartments to their stomach (one of which is the rumen) and chew their cud.
so when a cow ruminates ... it is chewing the cud ... in other words chewing what has already been chewed in order to further digest it ...
Aaahh, so it's different from "reflect" in the sense that the thoughts are partially reflected upon :p
Interesting indeed. I have a passion for words and I love reading the dictionary ;)
you love reading the dictionary?
Yes I do, I open it to check a word and I start reading every word above and below the word i'm looking for..freak??
You're tagged btw :D
mmm .. curious freak :p
no im j/k .. you're too pretty to be labeled a freak .. you're just a nerd :D
Why thank you..i guess o_O
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