December 20, 2010

happy trails

my dad might be retiring soon ... well forced into retirement is more accurate ... he reached the age of retirement ... it's still not for certain but they might be leaving within the next few months if the company doesn't grant him an extension ... and that means two things ... one papa's getting old ... well he is a grandfather now that i think about it ... though a relatively new one but a grandfather nonetheless ... may Allah give him health and long life ... but the second thing is my parents would leave saudi ... now there's a mind blower ... i'd be here all alone ... well my brother would still be here ... working in khobar ... meaning we would be on opposite ends of the country ...


Dreamer said...

KSA disgusts me. seriously 3EB 3alihm!!

Jundi said...

umm its the company rules .. ma 5as ksa .. you reach 60 you retire .. unless you can give them some valid excuse for why they should give you an extension ..

Dreamer said...

lol but if you retire after a zillion years of sevice in KSA your visa expires and they pretty much kick you out...

Why are you defending them?? and why are you objecting to every single thing i say??

Jundi said...

well ya thats true they do tell u get the fuck out but why would u stay if u are an expat aslan ..

not defending them .. just tellin it like it is .. and who said we have to agree on everything :p

Dreamer said...

Why?? because they lived most of their lives there and have become to think of it as home!!

YOu know I don't like people who disagree with me especially when they're WROOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG :p