May 14, 2010

the irony

have you seen this commercial for the gillette vector ... where some guy is supposed to be a news reporter ... and then when the guest of honor arrives all the other reporters hold out their mics to ask her a question but she just ignores them ... but when she reaches him she stops to answer his question because he is the only one with a clean shave ... well next time you see the commercial pay attention to his eyebrows ... and you will notice that he is in fact a unibrow ...


Dreamer said...

LOL and where is the irony?? ARe you proposing that the guy should shave his unibrow? Perhaps its intentional to indicate that even a guy with abundant facial hair can get a clean shave using that particular shaver.

Shaima said...


Jundi said...

pru .. what do u mean where is the irony .. the guy's a unibrow hahaha

shaima .. unibrow as in one eyebrow .. think bert from sesame street