July 13, 2008


there's a joke i came up with last night ... but it's kind of dirty ...
not really dirty like sleazy ... more dirty like naughty ...
so anyway ... you guys wanna hear it?
well ok ... it goes like this ...
you can stop reading now if you don't want your ears to bleed ...

- what did the vagina say to the penis?

- that's enough out of you

get it ... it's not funny i know ... but i thought it was pretty clever ...
and don't ask me how i came up with it because i don't know ...


Manutdfanatic said...

Heheheh! Well well well....wonders never cease...you!


It probably is funny. Or I'm in a I-want-to-laugh-like-a-maniac mood; the sea breeze does that to me at times.

Naughty would be just about right. =P

Manutdfanatic said...

Also, you know what I love about the way you write? It's like you're talking to the other person, "well ok" yada yada. Cute.

Dreamer said...

Soldier is sitting alone in his abode at Riyadh. He's done with his day work, had his fill of food and drink and is smoking a cigarette. As he watches the smoke making funny shapes in the air his mind wanders, and his thoughts take him to a place where "dirty" things reside :p

After a long and enjoyable stay there, Soldier comes back with a "joke" which I don't get :O The humor in the whole circumstance however, is not lost on me, and laugh all the same ;)

Anonymous said...

eh ma fhemta ?? 3eeda :P

yemken 3an jad you're bored !!

Jundi said...

pru and noura .. u really didnt get it? .. i thought it was pretty straightforward o_0

anyway "thats enough out of you" is something u usually say to someone when you want them to be quiet .. but in this case its supposed to mean sth else :D

manutdfanatic .. im glad u got it .. and thx for the nice compliment .. actually ur a pretty a good writer urself :D

queenie said...

Ahh, ears bleeding! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe :P I am back reading your blog after a painful period of time without-internet-connection ... What a way to (re)start :D

Manutdfanatic said...

Update. =)