one of my friends on facebook wrote a note ... there was a certain passage that caught my attention ... i thought it was pretty insightful ...
أعتقد أننا نعجب بمن هم أفضل منا و أقوى منا و أكثر اتزانا منا ... أي تتكون عندنا صورة عن أنفسنا وصورة عن الآخر و عندما نقوم بالمقارنة, نجد أن الآخر أفضل مننا لذا نود أن يصبح لنا حتى نكون مثله ... أفضل مننا
I get the general idea, but I don't get this passage...
what does this word mean: اتزانا
In general though, it's good to look at others' achievements, strengths and derive a sense of motivation to achieve for yourself, but to envy someone (which is what I sort of got from this passage) is a sign of a very low self-esteem...
it means "balanced" .. ya3ni rakzeen aktar minna :p
regarding what u said ..hmmm ... interesting take ... i agree with you that in SOME cases it can be a sign of low self esteem ...
the way i understood it is that we tend to be attracted to ppl who have qualities we believe we lack .. the reason being that we hope they will somehow rub off on us if and when we become a couple .. you know the whole "you complete me" theory ...
wow, so that's what balanced means in Arabic. kewl!
The whole complete me theory is something I don't identify with at all ... I don't need someone to complete me, I need someone to compliment me!
I do though agree ...I tend to be very fascinated by and drawn to people who are different from me ...that's why I find 'bad boyz' mesmerizing and so irresistible :p
In that case I don't agree! We look up to those who are "better" than us as role models, we strive to be like them and we certainly would like to be associated with them. But it's not a romantic association and it's different from the attraction that one feels toward a potential partner! Sometimes feelings of reverence and admiration for a person can be mistaken for love, or can be transformed to love but that's not always the case.
hmm, well pru i was just giving my own interpretation of the passage ... there can be more than one interpretation and mine is not necessarily the right one :o
anyway the title was "makes you go hmmm" ... ya3ni you're supposed to go hmmm and think about it and come up with your own interpretation :D
kif ya3ni "an yosbe7 lana"??
i guess ya3ni ino zai ma bi2ulu when you want someone to be your girl / man .. ana haik fhimtHa ..
I get the general idea, but I don't get this passage...
what does this word mean: اتزانا
In general though, it's good to look at others' achievements, strengths and derive a sense of motivation to achieve for yourself, but to envy someone (which is what I sort of got from this passage) is a sign of a very low self-esteem...
(p.s. I am gonna facebook you tonight :D)
it means "balanced" .. ya3ni rakzeen aktar minna :p
regarding what u said ..hmmm ... interesting take ... i agree with you that in SOME cases it can be a sign of low self esteem ...
the way i understood it is that we tend to be attracted to ppl who have qualities we believe we lack .. the reason being that we hope they will somehow rub off on us if and when we become a couple ..
you know the whole "you complete me" theory ...
p.s. oh goodie :D
wow, so that's what balanced means in Arabic. kewl!
The whole complete me theory is something I don't identify with at all ... I don't need someone to complete me, I need someone to compliment me!
I do though agree ...I tend to be very fascinated by and drawn to people who are different from me ...that's why I find 'bad boyz' mesmerizing and so irresistible :p
P.S. yay! :D
complete me, compliment me .. its just semantics :p
so u find bad boyz irresistible .. good to know :D
In that case I don't agree! We look up to those who are "better" than us as role models, we strive to be like them and we certainly would like to be associated with them. But it's not a romantic association and it's different from the attraction that one feels toward a potential partner! Sometimes feelings of reverence and admiration for a person can be mistaken for love, or can be transformed to love but that's not always the case.
hmm, well pru i was just giving my own interpretation of the passage ... there can be more than one interpretation and mine is not necessarily the right one :o
anyway the title was "makes you go hmmm" ... ya3ni you're supposed to go hmmm and think about it and come up with your own interpretation :D
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