March 13, 2008

According To Recent Studies

the power of jealousy depends on how tall you are?


Manutdfanatic said...

Hmmmm...come to think of it; apply this in real-life situations, and it does seem to be more than true.

What do you think, O Wise One?

Jundi said...

O Wise One???
you're too kind :D

wellll i dont know what to think to be honest ... but if its true like they say then i need to marry me a tall girl hahaha

Manutdfanatic said...

Oh yes, I am too kind. What was I thinking? Lol!

You need to be pretty tall yourself to get married to a tall girl. How tall are you, Wise One? Of course, I'm assuming you're the sort who'd want to be taller than his spouse. Personally, I don't think I'd like to have a shorter guy as mine. Judgemental, yes, but well...can't help it. =/

Jundi said...

the wise one is of average height .. i guess around 5'8 or 5'9 .. like 170 cm .. give or take.

and i was just kidding about marrying a tall girl :)