February 21, 2008

the opposite sex

all i did was say hi ... and before i knew it she was referring to me as "baby" and "honey" ...
it caught me by surprise ... is she interested in me ... does she have feelings for me ...
only one way to find out ... so one day i decided to reciprocate ...
that was when she gave me that look ... like excuse me ... what did you just call me ...


Anonymous said...

Serves your right.
So you learned not to reciprocate?

Jundi said...

no it just confirmed my suspicion that women are completely nuts :P

Marvin said...

"You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia!" ("The Princess Bride")

Yes, women are insane, they can't help it, the poor things. All you can do is smile and pet them, and withdraw hastily when they bite.

Jundi said...

or you could just bite back :D

Jundi said...

but if we bite back they won't let us "pet" them anymore LOL

Abed. Hamdan said...

man, shaklak dayer 3al ajnabeyyat, eterkak menhom lol

Jundi said...

interesting how everyone assumed that this is something that actually happened .. no one considered that it might be just a "creative writing" piece?


Manutdfanatic said...

Lol. So it didn't happen? Bummer.

Jundi said...

who said it didn't happen :p

Rebellious Arab Girl said...


tistahal! :P

Manutdfanatic said...

Oh so it did happen? Player.

Jundi said...

maybe it did and maybe it didnt :p

i just thought it was interesting how everyone came to the same conclusion ..

Anonymous said...

Maybe the look was misunderstood..ma32oul she means to say:"bas honey w baby..2awwi el 3iyar shway "

looool so next time you should reciprocate by saying "7abibet 2albi or teslamili shou mahdoumeh" OK ?? shou and beddi 3almak,you know , be creative :D

Jundi said...

hmmmmmmmmm ...

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

Force of habbit maybe? so she dint give it much thought but when it came from u, the guy with 'hey what u looking at MOFO' looks she thought u might have meant it and felt it was out of place.

Jundi said...

aha .. so its ok when she says because she doesnt actually mean it since she calls everyone baby .. ya i feel much better now thanks lol