February 28, 2008

Election Fever

the US election race is heating up ... it's getting to that part where each party selects a candidate ... the republican race is all but done ... meanwhile the democratic race remains close ... obama has been on a tear lately but hillary still has a chance ...

anyway i don't care about any of that because if there's one thing i've learned in my 24 years on this earth ... it's that whoever wins, we always lose ... we being the palestinians ...

having said that ... i enjoy watching MSNBC's coverage of the US elections ... and it's all thanks to norah o'donnell ... she's so fine ...


Marvin said...

I am studiously ignoring the whole thing. I think it's amusing that Hillary started out with "it's inevitable that I will get the nomination" and now is thinking of calling it quits if she loses Texas (and she will). Bahahahaha!

My wife is annoyed because she's sure Obama will lose against McCain (I think so too). I don't like McCain but I can't stand Obama. And I'm thrilled that Nader is entering the race just because it makes the liberals angry that he's splitting their vote. Bahahahaha!

Enough said. I am resuming my studious ignoring.

Jundi said...

hehe ya she was pretty cocky for a while .. if it goes down to mccain and obama id rather see obama win ..