February 25, 2008


easiest ten thousand dollars i ever made ...

Lebanon's presidential election was postponed on Monday to March 11 from Feb. 26, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said, declaring the 15th delay of a vote blocked by a bitter political conflict. (source)

i'm on a roll here ... one million dollars says they get postponed again ...


Anonymous said...

Just read it and thought of coming here and beat you to the news..!! but...yalla next time :P

Well,are u going to share the wealth ??

Marvin said...

See, you don't have to get another job! You can be Chief Prognosticator instead.

Dreamer said...

Jundi please..you don't have a million dollars to bet :p

Jundi said...

noura .. ya sure here's a thousand dollars o_O

marvin .. cheif prognosticator .. hmmm im afraid such job titles only exist on ur planet :p

pru .. please .. like i made ten thousand dollars :/