February 25, 2008


Abed. Hamdan said...

why did you quit your job !!

Jundi said...

well long story short .. it was either that or killing myself ..

i decided to go with quitting my job o_O

Dreamer said...

Well..mabrook?? So are you now looking for another job?? In ksa or are you spreading your wings??

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

exactly as pru said, mabrook?

Anonymous said...

I hope you find something a million times better and that you will enjoy.. Didn't you have some time ago a better job offer and refused it??
Good luck Jundi :)

Marvin said...

Wow, you and Mayous both. It must be contagious! Good for you, though - that's very brave! Do you have something else lined up already? Keep us posted! And good luck.

7aki Fadi said...


I wish I could do the same :( .

Jundi said...

v .. thx .. i dont know what im gonna do now to be honest .. but it had to be done ..

pp .. Allah ybarik feeki?

noura .. thanks :)

marvin .. like i told v .. i have nothing lined up .. but it had to be done .. and thanks :)

7aki .. thanks :)