this website is pretty cool .. you pay 30 pounds and they spraypaint a message of your choice on the apartheid wall (100 characters max. including spaces) .. you also get three photos of the message sent to your email .. but where does the money go .. well according to the website ..
Part of your money stays in Holland, to cover the (minimal) costs of setting up and running 'Sendamessage'. The bulk of the money will go to the Palestinian NGO's (independent foundations) doing the work. They will fund small social, cultural and educational projects with the money earned (from buying bicycles to fixing the roof).
hmm .. if i was to "send a message" what would it be .. maybe the url of my blog ..
what would your message be?
The grass MAYBE greener on the other side of the fence, but we wont trade it (Palestine) for the world...
My name is Faris Arouri, and i'm the chairman of the PFF, the palestinian partner in this project, and for those who would like more information about the project, or those requiring proof of transparency and exact details where the revenue will be going, please contact me at
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