November 15, 2007


after opening the season with a record eight straight losses ... the sonics finally managed to win one!


asoom said...

I thought u said they've been straight winning!

Jundi said...

no i said they were 0-4 .. 3ala asas ur a sports fan .. u should know that means zero wins four losses :P
when i said good job guys keep it up i was only being sarcastic :)

i still remember then i said that the only bright spot is that durant is living up to the hype .. if they were straight winning how can that be the only bright spot o_O

you disappoint me grasshopper :P

asoom said...

LOOOOOOL, I don't recall the 0-4 but yea you're right if that's indeed what you reported then clearly I misunderstood.

Ba3dain I don't classify myself as a sports fan, just a saints fan!

Jundi said...

plz no excuses ..