November 4, 2007

Mr. Nice Guy

i made a donation to this charity today .. the ronald mcdonald charity .. it helps sick kids .. pretty random right .. well here's how it happened ..

*deep breath*

i was coming out of the supermarket .. carrying maybe four or five bags .. i was hungry as hell .. there was already takeout food waiting for me in the car .. i just had to go home so i could have myself a feast .. it was around 7 pm and i hadn't eaten all day ..
see my parents are both in amman right now .. one of my older brothers is getting engaged to a girl who lives in jordan .. and so i was getting some food for the house .. just being the hunter-gatherer God intended me to be .. so yeah .. i had gotten the takeout .. stopped by the supermarket for more food (noodles, coldcuts, etc.) .. i was walking out of the supermarket .. and this girl comes up to me .. couldn't have been more than eighth grade .. she looked so geeky or nerdy whatever is more appropriate .. big smile .. bigger glasses .. ponytail i think .. and this nice british accent .. she was indian or pakistani .. so she started telling me about how her school is raising money for this charity .. and you know how these things go .. they talk your ear off .. so i stood there holding my bags listening for a while .. i cut her off at around the part where she was telling me about how it might help a kid have a heart surgery he so desperately needs .. it's ok i said smiling .. i'll make a donation .. just let me go home i'm starving .. well i didn't say the last part .. i checked how much i had .. 5 riyals .. that's less than a dollar fifty hehe .. well that was all i had .. that's what you get when you ask people on their way out .. the change .. you should ask them on their way in .. so i told her all i have is five riyals is that ok .. yes thank you .. i actually did another nice thing at the supermarket before making the donation .. i let a guy go before me .. on account of he had far less items than i did ..
and that's the end of my pointless story ..


Anonymous said...

In the name of Rabbi Eleazar; What is the meaning of the verse: “And he put on righteousness as a coat of mail”? (Isaiah 59:17)

It tells us that just as in a coat of chainmail every small scale joins with the others to form one large (strong) piece of armor, so every little sum given to charity combines with the rest to form a large sum.

(Baba Batra 9a)

Jundi said...

and that's the moral of the story hehe .. guess it wasn't so pointless ..

all three monotheistic religions encourage giving alms .. too bad not enough ppl are doing it ..

Robin said...

Look into it Mo, (I went to the annual fund-raising gala here in LA last night-Hanan Ashwari was the keynote speaker-amazing beyond words)

Anonymous said...

Pity the money that COULD be going to better their lives is going towards building Qassams instead.

And Swiss bank accounts.