November 7, 2007

Haha Loser

George Washington University officials said a Jewish student who complained about swastikas showing up on her door put them there herself.
The student lives in Mitchell Hall, where half a dozen swastikas had shown up on her dorm room door in the past several weeks.
University police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted responsibility Monday.



Anonymous said...

"Haha Loser":

Peace Now Documents Yesha Growth, Council Proudly Acknowledges

Peace Now accused the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (Yesha) of growing despite a settlement freeze. The Yesha Council responded: “Thanks for the compliment.”

The leftist anti-settlement Peace Now movement released a bulletin, Wednesday, on the state of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria in an effort to spur the government to take action against the communities there ahead of the Annapolis Conference. The group accused Jewish residents of continuing to build despite the refusal of the government to grant standard authorization to the construction.

Peace Now says that despite guidelines by the IDF Civil Administration that do not allow caravans (trailer homes) to be brought into hilltop communities, many hilltop communities have managed to bypass the ban by building pre-fabricated structures on site or building permanent homes.

The group also documents that Jewish population growth in Judea and Samaria is three times the growth within pre-1967 Israel, due both to high birth rates among the populace and an ongoing large influx of Israelis to the area.

Yesha Council Responds

The Yesha Council of Judea and Samaria Communities responded to the Peace Now report, thanking the group for documenting the positive phenomenon of Jewish growth in the regions liberated in the 1967 Six Day War. “The latest report proves that Jewish settlement in the area does not stop for a minute, not due to terrorism, building freezes, political pressure, or legal decrees,” the council said. “We thank Peace Now for documenting this important Zionist enterprise.”

Council members expressed satisfaction with the report’s finding that Jewish population growth in Judea and Samaria continues to be three times that of the growth within pre-1967 Israel. The Yesha Council said it hopes to see the Jewish population in the area pass 300,000 by the end of next year.

Robin said...

The looser we all have come to know as a retard who posts comments having nothing to do with the subject matter is back hard at work with his crap. This time bragging about breaking international law. But we all also know he is "chosen"-a chosen LOSER law breaker. Even Satan himself has his servants.

Greetings to Dhahran from SoCal:)

Anonymous said...

They must not teach you proper English in your madrassah in "SoCal".


Robin said...

You must not have gotten out of your kibbutz ever in your life to know what SoCal means.

Ammaro said...

looking for attention? or just mentally screwed up?

Anonymous said...

Robin's looking for attention AND is mentally screwed up.

Robin said...

Hey anonymous whack job, I'm sure not the one lurking on someone's blog to post completely unrelated hate filled posts threatening people because of WHO they are, what they are BORN as.
I'm also not the one claiming "chosen" status.

(wont all fit so add .asp to the end)
Enjoy your disease of the mind.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robin,

I'm not the one who uses blogs as my psychologist. Blogs are supposed to be about ideas. When one of the ideas is hate-filled, then I will gladly visit to set them straight and explain the facts of lfe to them.

Do they have freedom of expression where you live? Probably not.

But for those of us from the civilzed world, we do, and we will exersize it as we please.

As to "chosen", you obviously don't understand it.

"The Chosen People", by Rabbi Shraga Simmons

Appreciating an often-misunderstood idea.

The Jewish nation is often referred to as "the Chosen People."

Many people (including Jews) are uncomfortable with this idea. They perceive the concept of a "Chosen People" as racist and mindful of the Nazi concept of a supreme "Aryan" nation. It appears to contradict the accepted Western ideal of all people being equal before God.

Is the Jewish concept of choseness racist?

When the Torah refers to the Jewish people as "chosen," it is not in any way asserting that Jews are racially superior. Americans, Russians, Europeans, Asians and Ethiopians are all part of the Jewish people. It is impossible to define choseness as anything related to race, since Jews are racially diverse.

Yet while the term "Chosen People" (Am Nivchar) does not mean racially superior, choseness does imply a special uniqueness.

What is this uniqueness?

Historically, it goes back to Abraham. Abraham lived in a world steeped in idolatry, which he concluded was contradicted by the reality of design in nature.

So Abraham came to a belief in God, and took upon himself the mission of teaching others of the monotheistic ideal. Abraham was even willing to suffer persecution for his beliefs. After years of enormous effort, dedication and a willingness to accept the responsibility to be God's representative in this world, God chose Abraham and his descendents to be the teachers of this monotheistic message.

In other words it is not so much that God chose the Jews; it is more accurate that the Jews (through Abraham) chose God.

Choseness was not part of God's "original plan." Initially all of humanity was to serve the role of God's messengers, but after the fall of Adam, humanity lost that privilege, and it was open for grabs. Only Abraham chose to take the mantel. If others would have (and they were offered the choice), they too would have joined in this special covenant which was sealed upon the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.

If a privilege is offered to everyone willing to pay the necessary price, nobody can protest that those willing to make the extra effort are being shown favoritism. For example: It is reasonable that an employee who agrees to work overtime, attend training seminars, and manage special projects, should be entitled to a performance bonus -- particularly if each employee was given the same opportunity.

The essence of being chosen means responsibility. It is a responsibility to change the world -- not by converting everyone to Judaism, but by living as a model community upheld by ethics, morals and beliefs of one God. In that way, we can influence the rest of mankind, a "light unto the nations" (Isaiah 42:6).

Judaism is Universal

Further, Judaism is not exclusionary. A human being need not to be Jewish to reach a high spiritual level. Enoch "walked with God," and Noah had quite a high level of relationship, though neither were Jewish. Our tradition is that all of the 70 nations must function together and play an integral part in that "being" called humanity.

According to Judaism (Talmud - Sanhedrin 58b), any person can achieve a place in the World to Come by faithfully observing the seven basic laws of humanity. These seven laws are named the "Laws of Noah," since all humans are descended from Noah:

1) Do not murder.
2) Do not steal.
3) Do not worship false gods.
4) Do not be sexually immoral.
5) Do not eat the limb of an animal before it is killed.
6) Do not curse God.
7) Set up courts and bring offenders to justice.

Torah is for all humanity. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, he specifically asked God to heed the prayer of non-Jews who come to the Temple (1-Kings 8:41-43). The Temple was the universal center of spirituality, which the prophet Isaiah referred to as a "house of prayer for all nations." Non-Jews were welcome to bring offerings to the Temple as well. In fact, the service in the Holy Temple during the week of Sukkot featured a total of 70 bull offerings, corresponding to each of the 70 nations of the world. In fact, the Talmud says that if the Romans would have realized how much they were benefiting from the Temple, they never would have destroyed it!

Most other religions say that non-believers are condemned to eternal damnation. Even the calendar systems of Christianity and Islam reflect an exclusionary philosophy; each begins with the birth of their respective religion. The Jewish calendar, on the other hand, begins with the creation of Adam, the first man, teaching us the intrinsic value of every human, even though the Jewish religion was not yet born.

For this reason, Jews do not proselytize in search of converts. One can still merit a place in heaven, no conversion necessary.


An important component of Judaism's non-exclusionary approach is that any person -- regardless of national or racial background -- can choose to accept the Torah and become part of the Jewish nation. Indeed, some of the greatest names in Jewish history - Ruth, the ancestor of King David, and Onkelos the Talmudic Sage -- were converts to Judaism.

According to the Code of Jewish Law (the "Shulchan Aruch"), there are three requirements for a valid conversion (paralleling the Jewish experience at Mount Sinai):

1) Mitzvot - The convert must believe in God and the divinity of the Torah, as well as accept to observe all 613 mitzvot (commandments) of the Torah. This includes observance of Shabbat, Kashrut, etc., as detailed in the Code of Jewish Law, the authoritative source for Jewish observance.

2) Milah - Male converts must undergo circumcision by a qualified "Mohel."

3) Mikveh - All converts must immerse in the Mikveh, a ritual bath linked to a reservoir of rain water.

All of the above must be done before a halachically-valid rabbinical court of three Jewish men who themselves believe in God, accept the divinity of the Torah, and observe the mitzvot.

Robin said...

Anonymous whack job, you are NOT Jewish, you are a Zionist-a POLITICAL ideologist seeking to justify your (and Israel's) actions based on using the Torah as a real estate book and purporting the philosophy that might makes right.
There is not one single iota of the essence of the "golden rule" in your thought process.

"The essence of being chosen means responsibility. It is a responsibility to change the world -- not by converting everyone to Judaism, but by living as a model community upheld by ETHICS, MORALS and beliefs of one God. In that way, we can influence the rest of mankind, a "light unto the nations"

Absolutely nothing that you write here or elsewhere that you lurk has one single thing to do with ETHICS or MORALS. It has to do with a deep seeded "disease of the mind" which you can read all about in the link I provided in my last comment.

Do I have freedom of expression where I live? Well since SoCal is where I live, and that is SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA-yes-I have freedom of expression, but that is granted to me not through my government, but through our creator who seeks for all mankind to live at peace with one another, NOT steal and justify it by claiming God's sanctioning.

Here's another read for you whack job anonymous, google this one:
Council of Religious Institutions of the holy Land Communiqué

You see there are THREE faiths who share an attachment to the holy land, and try as you might, your claim to superiority in this right is ONLY a disease of the mind.

Anonymous said...

Robin you sad sad woman,

Of course I'm Jewish. By now you know that a Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish or one who joins the Jewish nation as per the article above. That's me.

And the land of Israel belongs to the nation of Israel.

Now, YOUR nation was founded on the morals that MY nation gave to the world thousands of years ago:

"I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations … They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more and more happily than any other nation, ancient or modern."

John Adams (From a letter to Mennonite pastor, F. A. Van der Kemp [Feb. 16, 1808] Pennsylvania Historical Society)

It would be a mistake to ascribe to Roman legal conceptions an undivided sway over the development of law and institutions during the Middle Ages. The Laws of Moses as well as the laws of Rome contributed suggestions and impulse to the men and institutions which were to prepare the modern world; and if we could have but eyes to see... we should readily discover how very much besides religion we owe to the Jew.

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in "The State"

I'm pleased that many love OUR land, but that doesn't make it theirs. We pray that one day, all people will come to OUR Jerusalem to worship- but that doesn't make it theirs. It's not.

The Moslems have their own land- and don't allow any of us infidels to even enter their cities of mecca and medina. Maybe we should do the same to them until they change their evil ways. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

So go see a psychologist, learn how to share, and stop thinking that everything is yours.

The Arab world is comprised of 22 states of nearly five million square miles and 144,000,0000 people. The Islamic world contains 44 states with over one-billion people. The Islamic states comprise an area 672 times the size of Israel. Israel, with a population of about 5-million Jews, is - together with Judea/Samaria and Gaza - less than half-the-size of San Bernardino County in California. The Sinai Desert alone, which Israel transferred to Egypt in the 1979 Treaty for no tangible quid pro quo, is three times larger than the entire State of Israel.

Stop being such greedy pigs.

Jundi said...

robin .. didnt u read the sign that says dont feed the trolls ;)

i guess now u see why i ignore this turd ..

Robin said...

Well now we know he "joined" the club and wasn't born in to it. THAT is really telling.

No more feeding the bears who come to ravage the camp ground, PROMISE:)