September 17, 2007

The Difference Between Having It and Owning It

the first time .. you had it but it didn't belong to you ..
you were able to hold and admire it for a few seconds .. but they were waiting .. waiting to take it away from you the second you began to feel attached to it .. and they did.

the second time .. you didn't have it and it didn't belong to you ..
as a matter of fact not only did you not have it .. you couldn't have it .. so you stood from behind the glass .. pressed against the window .. admiring it .. trying to remember what it felt like.

the third time .. it belonged to you but you didn't have it ..
you were chosen to receive it .. they told you it was coming in the mail in a few days .. but the days turned into weeks .. the weeks into months .. and months into years .. yet somehow that didn't bother you much .. just knowing that you were going to hold it again was good enough for you .. but it never came .. they sent you a message telling you it had been lost on the way.

the fourth time .. you had it and it belonged to you ..
but you're still waiting for that to happen.

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