some people run away from the light .. willfully clinging to the darkness .. they don't believe that those who are already in the light will embrace them .. they are not afraid of the light .. they just don't feel worthy of it ..
sometimes you are viewed as someone who belongs in the darkness .. you are not expected to be be in the light .. and you don't want to disappoint so you stay in the dark .. eventually you begin to believe that you would not be comfortable in the light ..
Is being "in the light" necessarily better than "being in the darkness"??
good question .. but this post was based on the assumption that it is.
i believe this applies to almost everything.. i mean some kids are like semi-naughty, their parents keep referring to em as the naughty kid, until they stop wanting to defy the labeling, and it becomes easier to just prove em right..
its like some people are afraid from being sucessful
they like wat they are although they are better and they know it
soltitude has been my friend for a long time
im imtimated by light sometimes
everyone hates to be under spot lits
mm i dont know if i agree with the statement EVERYONE hates the spotlight :\
but i agree with the first part .. sometimes you know you are better than this but you settle
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