January 31, 2007

They Gave Them Ten Days Off

University students in Lebanon were given ten days off so that everyone can 'calm down' after the unfortunate incidents that took place on Thursday. Classes were supposed to be resumed today, but the government decided to extend it until Monday (Story).
Count them .. Friday, this entire week, plus Saturday and Sunday which are a weekend anyway .. that's ten days.
We never got an emergency holiday that long when I was there unless you want to count the war. When Hariri died they gave us four days. When Gibran Tueni died they gave us two or three days I can't remember. The point is whenever anything happened, it was always a few days. These guys got ten days!!!
I can see it now ..

- Guys .. finals are in a few days and we still haven't studied shit!
- Hey I know .. let's start a fight with (insert name of political party/religious sect here) .. that way we'll get a few extra days off to study!
- Yeah!

Only in Lebanon I guess.

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