February 6, 2008


No one seeking the presidency in either party is more steadfastly committed to Israel's security, survival as a Jewish state, and ability to defend herself than I am. As president, I will ensure that Israel always has the state-of-the-art weaponry and technology she needs. And in addition, I will dramatically increase American defense spending. Before there can be true peace, there must be the basic recognition of Israel's right to exist and an end to anti-Semitic and anti-Israel lies and propaganda.

sounds like someone running for office in israel right ... wrong ... it's actually someone running for office in the US ... let's hope he loses ...



Dreamer said...

LOL..it is actually kinda funny :p

libhom said...

Scmuckabee is "supporting Israel" in hopes that their government's policies will result in the Mideast war the Christian Taliban thinks is predicted by the Bible.