January 29, 2008

Gray Fox

i've been noticing a lot of gray hairs lately .. more like white hairs to be accurate .. oddly enough they are only appearing on the sides of my head .. nothing on the top or the back .. jundi's getting old .. one thing's for sure though .. i'm just gonna let nature take it's course .. never gonna be one of those guys who dye their hair .. click here to see what i'm talking about..

عيرتني بالشيب و هو وقار
ليتها عيرتني بما هو عار


Dandoon said...

I like the attitude...think of the white hairs as another sign of wisdom

Anonymous said...

I can see only one white hair in the picture ..it scared you loooool

It's only the begining, they usually start on the sides then take over..but seriously,it's not bad and no matter what don't ever dye it..women hates it ;)
As for me,I don't have not one single white hair,I color it for fun :P

Jundi said...

dandoon ...
another sign? what are the other signs if i may ask :P

noura ...
only one? o_O
i can see at least eight .. and that's just in the photo .. there are more in reality but the photo is not that clear :|

and ya don't worry i said i'm not going to dye it .. the bright side is that maybe soon i'll have enough white hairs to get a salt-and-pepper thing going on .. i hear the ladies like it :D

Dandoon said...

umm I dunno...wisdom teeth maybe

Manutdfanatic said...

Admittedly, the "salt & pepper" thing does tend to be quite alluring at times.

Good to read you again. Cheers.