January 17, 2008


A high school track star has been disqualified from a meet because officials said the custom-made outfit she wears to conform to her Muslim faith violated competition rules.
Juashaunna Kelly, a senior at the District of Columbia's Theodore Roosevelt High School, has the fastest mile and 2-mile times of any girl runner in the city this winter. She was disqualified from Saturday's Montgomery Invitational indoor track and field meet.
Kelly was wearing the same uniform she has worn for three seasons while running for Theodore Roosevelt's cross-country and track teams. The custom-made, one-piece blue and orange unitard covers her head, arms, torso and legs. Over the unitard, she wears the same orange and blue T-shirt and shorts as her teammates.
The outfit allows her to compete while adhering to her Muslim faith, which forbids displaying any skin other than her face and hands.
"It's not special," Kelly said. "It doesn't make me perform better."

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Jundi said...

you know what really gets me .. is that she is not just some girl trying to compete .. she has the best time in the entire city of DC!!!

Anonymous said...

That’s sad !! why now, it’s not the first time they see her wearing it and it was approved previously during other competitions..
After reading your post I left to watch her on yahoo, they have a short clip..
To be honest with you that unitard is pretty sexy and doesn’t adhere to muslim dress code either..True, her head and skin is covered but the outfit is tight and fit like a glove.. so... you know what I mean .. right??

On a side note,thanks a lot for the info regarding the games..

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that if u got double comments from me, forgive me, my internet is acting up today..Am going to call "Verizon" w fish kil khil2i feehon..loool

Jundi said...

lol this from the person who told me to be nice the other day :p

Anonymous said...

يحق لنا ما لا يحق لغيرنا...بعدين انت كنت قاسي كتير شو نسيت شو كتبت؟؟

المهم ماقدرت فش خلقي، طلعلي واحد بالهند و ما كان لا يفهم علي و انا ما فهمت منو و لا كلمة..بعدين انحلت المشكلة لحالها

yalla don't forget to stay nice ;)